Knowing If ARP or SBR Is Better for You

Over the past few years, two types of firearms have gained significant popularity among gun enthusiasts, particularly those who own suppressors. The Short Barreled Rifle (SBR) and the AR-15 Style pistol both have their unique advantages and disadvantages, leading to a fierce debate about which one reigns supreme.

While these two are similar in our Armory in Las Vegas, NV, there are key differences to consider when evaluating them. Let’s break down some important factors:

  • One of the primary benefits of owning an SBR is its compact size. Shooters who use silencers often find that a longer barrel, exceeding 16 inches, can make the rifle cumbersome. To work around this, many attach a shorter barrel and permanently fix the silencer in place, achieving the required 16-inch length. However, it’s worth noting that owning an SBR entails NFA requirements and restrictions for rifle accessories in Nevada, including limitations when transporting the firearm across state lines.
  • On the other hand, the major advantage of an AR Pistol compared to a dedicated SBR is the absence of NFA paperwork and taxes. An AR pistol can be carried with a round in the chamber and can be transported across state lines without the need for additional permissions. However, one drawback of AR pistols can be the ambiguity surrounding the proper use and shouldering of gun accessories in Nevada. Unlike SBRs, pistol braces are considered accessories and do not contribute to the overall length calculation.
  • Ultimately, every shooter has unique goals and preferences when it comes to tier 1 firearms. To determine the right choice for you, consider which option aligns better with your needs.

SUMMERLIN ARMORY hopes that by providing you with this information, you are now equipped to make an informed decision. Happy shooting!

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